Monday, June 29, 2020


Have you ever woken up and thought of this? God I don't think I have got all it takes to do this. Don't worry I have been in that shoe severally and this has alway been the response of God- I don't call the qualified, I qualify those I call. Humans put in experience, degree, competence, ability but God put in your willingness.  God makes provision for anything he appoints you to and guess what?, he supplies strength as well.

In the Scripture, David was a young boy who was appointed as the king of Israel at age 17 not because of his experience, degree , competence but rather God lifted up a man who he had called. EVERYONE SAW DAVID THE SHEPHERD, GOD SAW THE KING OF ISRAEL.  WHAT DO YOU SEE?

And those whom He thus foreordained, He also called; and those whom He called, He also justified (acquitted, made righteous, putting them into right standing with Himself). And those whom He justified, He also glorified [raising them to a heavenly dignity and condition or state of being].

                                      Roman 8:30 AMP

Before you were formed in your mother's womb, God had a plan for you and his plan for you( Jeremiah 1:5) is to prosper you and to give you an expected future (Jeremiah 29:11). When God calls you to an assignment, he isn't just giving you the task. He is letting loose your faith ( Hebrew 11:1).  Humans walk by sight , God walks by faith. Faith is trusting the heart of God even when you cannot see his hand.

Today, we celebrate Abraham , the father of many nations because a man decided to hold onto the Lord.  He trusted that whosoever he calls , he would also justify. Yes , the justification of Abraham was of faith ( Romans 4:1-8).

In the book of Judges 7-8 , God called Gideon even among many others and we saw that Gideon triumphed over the enemies because he had the strength of the Lord. In God, Gideon moved, lived and had his being.

When you are called, God expects you to be a human being and never a human doing.  A being understands that his sufficiency is of the Lord and not on others for the scripture considered that he who relies on the flesh just like his is nothing but a fool. Flesh fails , God never and he would never.  Why? God is not a man that he should lie nor the son of men that he should repent. Doing is trying to make things happen. Being is resting in God. He supplies all things needed.


1. Trust ( Proverbs 3:5):  if a man can trust a pilot with a plane how much more God who is the author of all things.  Trusting God's not by power. It takes grace to trust in the Lord. God orders the steps of the righteous. Although humans we try to figure out things but God expects us to make him the driver of the wheel.

2 . Relying on the strength of God :The Spirit is always willing but the flesh is weak (Matthew 26:41).  The strength of man would always fail because the flesh cannot accomplish the work of the spirit. It takes the birth of God to birth forth the call of God.

3. Walking in the Spirit: In the scripture, we could see that Saul started with God but never ended with him. God is a spirit and desires that all men walk in the spirit.  Walking in the spirit keeps you focused and reminds you that the race is never for Swift.

4. Patience: Hebrew 12:1, to run the race the Lord has set before us with patience and endurance. To be all that God wants you to be, it all takes patience and endurance.  Patience is a virtue every man should embrace.

Arise and shine for thy light has come ( Isaiah 60:1).

Thank you for reading, see you on Wednesday.


Friday, June 26, 2020



Recently I asked myself a question. What have you been meditating on? Meditation means what you think on, what you ruminate on.Worries, fears, anxieties, envy are meditated upon. They are acts that are carried out first in the mind before they are played out in reality. No wonder the scripture emphasised on guarding our heart jealousy (Proverbs 4:23). The heart of a man is naturally evil but God has given all men something superior to our  consciousness which is the power of meditating on his Word.

The word of God is Spirit and Life (John 6:63). Hence, when we read the word of God we meditate on the life of God which is also called ZOE. God speaks everyday, every moment and one way he does that is through his WORD. God exceeds his WORD more than anything on earth and in the book of Genesis we could see that every WORD spoken by God came ALIVE.

In the book of John 1:14, the Word of God which turned into FLESH was Christ . Christ is the very word of God for in him was all things visible and invisible made. God is never a man that he should lie nor the son of man that he should repent because he holds fastly to his word ( Numbers 23:18)

At times, we can get so overwhelmed that we forget that in him we live, we move and him we have our being for the very life we live is him.


                    THE WORD OF GOD

This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.

                                                  Joshua 1:8 Esv

Here, we could see Joshua pointing back to us that we are nothing without God. You cannot say you love God without meditating on his WORD.


In 1Cor 2:16, once we are in Christ we have the mind of God. The mind of God is made revealed in his WORD for he exalts his words above every other thing. Meditating on the word of God brings out the life in God. Trusting to know the will of God. You must begin with his WORD.  

THE WORD OF GOD BRINGS PEACE ( Phillipian 4:7) :

The word of God is the peace of God. Peace is not the absence of storm but rather calmness in the waging sea. Christ is the WORD and while leaving the earth he promised us a peace that cannot be given by man. The peace of God is found in his word.

THE WORD OF GOD BRINGS REST (Matthew 11:28-29): In God we live, we move and we have our being.  No man knows a clay better than a Potter. Meditating on the word of God brings us to a state of rest. Jehoshaphat found rest in God because he held onto his words.  


Knowledge is never enough, in  wisdom is Paramount. Wisdom is the proper use of knowledge. Tomato is a fruit but it is wisdom that reminds you not to add it to salad. The Word of God is the very wisdom of God because his WORD brings forth light.



Thank you for reading!

Wednesday, June 24, 2020


God is a spirit and desires that we worship him in spirit and in truth (John 4:24). Worshipping God isn't doing God a favour. Worshipping God is acknowledging that he is Lord ( Psalm 100:3).

Life being full of calamities, worries, anxiety, catastrophe often tries to steal this act from us. In the book of Judges 3, Deborah knew that worshipping God is opening the heaven as right before the enemy was put in their hands.  She raised her voice to worship.

We worship God for who he is, God created all men that we may worship him. Worshipping isn't just  in lifting up our hands but rather in spirit and truth, one of which is Praise. Praise is an act of worship. Praising God gets us away from the storm and the noise of the world to the calm and still voice.  Jesus never promised a world free of adversity but rather knowing that we are overcomers (John 16:33). Praising God raises the consciousness that we are never alone regardless of the waging sea.

Praising God helps us to keep our gaze on Christ (Hebrew 12:2) It is possible that we want to fix our gaze on what is not working, what looks stagnant at the moment but praising God reminds us that God is ever true to his word,  heaven and Earth may pass away but not a drop of his words would be left unfulfilled ( Matthew 24:35).

Praising God brings us into a place of rest ( Matthew 11:28). God desires that all men enter into their place of rest. Praising God opens us to rest. It also unleashes the joy of the Lord right on our inside which cannot be explained by men.  

The wall of Jericho fell with men rounding it with songs of praise ( Joshua 6:1-27).


Thank you for reading!

Monday, June 22, 2020



Those people who know their God shall prove themselves strong and shall stand firm and do exploits [for God].

                                                 Daniel 11:32b

Knowing God is doing great exploits. For you to move from where you are to where you ought, it all starts with knowing ( God the Father, God the son and God, the Holy Spirit). Intimacy with God is the bedrock of a long lasting Success.

Exploits is never based on your ability but rather trusting in the Lord ( Proverbs 3:5).

In the Scripture, we could see that many people who did great exploits knew their God and even Paul said I know whom I believe 2( Timothy 1:12). Paul stood firm in the Lord even in the midst of adversity because he knew the Lord he served and through his life many came to the knowledge of who Christ is.

In God is success, and this is because he desires that we prosper in all good things and we being the seed of Abraham we have all that pertains to life and godliness. In the book of Daniel, Daniel was said to be a skillful man with all knowledge but what made him stand out was the knowledge of God. The knowledge of God is different from what the world can offer as it sets us apart. Daniel knew his God and all men served the God of Daniel.

When it comes to doing great exploits we must learn to obey God. God works with Obedience and this is one of the keys to the heart of God.

Jonah decided to prove strong by walking in the flesh rather than in the spirit and we could see that God only made provision for what he has ordained for it is in him we worketh both to will and to do of his good works.  Pressure of life would surely come but the reason why we would be able to stand the test of time is when we know our God for it is in him we have all the treasures of Earth.

The Strength of God is the power of God and we only mount ( Isaiah 40:31) up onto this when we know our God for we are the workmanship of God ( Ephesians 2:10) . God is the Potter and we are the clay, no man knows a clay like a potter. In Jeremiah 1:5, before we were formed in our mother’s womb he had a plan. The plan of God is to prosper us and give you an expected future ( Jeremiah 29:11)


It all comes with knowing whom you believe.


LETTING GO OF SELF: When it comes to doing great exploitation it is important to let go of self ( Galatians 2:20). Here, I mean your ability, Self confidence for we boast not in Self but rather in the Lord. God desires that we are dead to self in order to have the fullness of God.


God has a plan for every man (Jeremiah 1:5) but it only becomes revealed to those who know his ways and not just his act. God reveals the deep things of the spirit by his Spirit for the Spirit of God searches the deep things of God ( 1 Corinthians 2:10). Intimacy with God by giving yourself to the ministry of the word and ministry of prayer keeps us in alignment with his promises, one of which is to do great exploits.


God instructs his own and he desires that we obey his instructions. God told Noah to build an ark and many considered him to be crazy until it started raining. The wisdom of God is different from that of the world and God desires that in all our getting wisdom in all our doing.

Jesus stood out severally in the Scripture because he had the wisdom of God. Wisdom of God is the proper use of knowledge.

With the wisdom of God we stand to do great exploits. Doing great exploits is living in the fullness of Christ.

Thank you for reading! See you on Wednesday.



Tuesday, June 16, 2020



Fight the good fight of the faith; lay hold of the eternal life to which you were summoned and [for which] you confessed the good confession [of faith] before many witnesses.

                                                 1 Timothy 6:12

Fight the good fight of faith means holding on to the word of God and not the way we think or feel. The Christian journey is a race and it is only won by those who fight the good fight of faith. Jesus fought the good fight of faith by enduring the cross because of the glory sets ahead of him ( Hebrew 12:2). Every believer has been called to run the race through patience and endurance.

In the Christian journey, we are often awakened to the reality of adversity but Jesus said though we are in this world but we are never of this world ( 2 Corinthians 10:6). We are in the world to win over it. Jesus never promised a trouble free life but rather in the midst of adversity would be peace. This peace transcends the knowledge of men. Adversity only strengthens our faith and also in order to trust in the Lord.

In  fighting the good fight of faith one of the things that stands in the way is the Flesh of man. God created man has a spirit, he has a soul and lives in a body. God desires to relate with men in Spirit. In the Scripture, Roman 8:6 says to be carnally minded is enmity with God and that is because we must always walk in the Spirit and not after the flesh.

In fighting the good fight of faith, it is important to walk in faith. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not yet seen (Hebrew 11:1). Abraham walked in faith and it was counted unto him as righteousness. To walk in faith means to trust God blindfoldedly. Walking in faith helps in winning the Christian race.

In the Christian journey, it is important to put on the whole armour of God ( Ephesians 6:11)for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers in high places. To run the Christian race to the end it is important to embrace the whole armour of God and stay in guard.

Fighting the good fight of faith is enduring till the very end.

Thank you for reading!  

Monday, June 15, 2020




For as the human body apart from the spirit is lifeless, so faith apart from [its] works of obedience is also dead.

                                             James 2:26 AMP

In possessing your possession, the key is in your obedience. Abraham left his father's land to an unknown land, he had no idea of where the promised Land was but chose to act on his faith ( Hebrew 11:8).

Faith must be acted upon and that is often based on the level of our belief. Abraham believed in God and it was counted unto him as righteousness ( Romans 4:20)

What often keeps many from not possessing their possession is not choosing to act. It is important to know that even in your waiting you must act. Joseph was a young boy who not only had faith in the Lord but also exercised his work. He chose to work knowing that he that has started the good work would surely bring it to completion ( Phillipian 1:6) . The Scripture made it clear that Jesus went about doing good (Act 10:38)  though he was the Son of God. He understood that without work, Faith is dead.

Prompted by faith Noah, being forewarned by God concerning events of which as yet there was no visible sign, took heed and diligently and reverently constructed and prepared an ark for the deliverance of his own family. By this [his faith which relied on God] he passed judgment and sentence on the world’s unbelief and became an heir and possessor of righteousness (that relation of being right into which God puts the person who has faith).

                                     Hebrew 11:7 AMP

The evidence of Noah’s faith was that he trusted in the Lord, believed in the Lord and chose to obey the Lord even when it seemed against the world. Though, not seen or ever done by a man Noah chose to act on his Faith.


With God, validation of men is choosing to trust in the Flesh. Abraham left his father's land because he believed God and we could see that even when Lot disobeyed he still chose to trust in God.



1. Choosing to act is trusting God (Proverbs 3:5)

Jonah could be considered as a man of faith but his disobedience questioned is belief.

The key to believing in God is choosing to obey his commandment.  

2. Choosing to act strengthen the Faith of others

Abraham’s faith was counted unto him as righteousness and through his obedience all men came to belief in God (Romans 4:20) . You are the Christ on Earth. I once remembered a testimony that was shared by a friend who was Muslim but decided to be a believer because of the Faith of another.

3. Choosing to act is bringing down God’s agenda.

We are the workmanship of God unto every good work ( Ephesians 2:20)  Every moment we release our faith by acting we indeed bring down his agenda. It is important that we always let our light shine so that men may see our good work and give glory to our Father in heaven (Matthew 5:16).

In possessing your possession, you must be ready to trust in the Lord and work out your salvation by acting on your faith. If Jesus did it then you can as well. You have ghot all it takes.

Thank you for joining me throughout this series of possessing your possession. It is important that you start seeing yourself as a light and  that you are called to shine.

I hope to see you tomorrow!


Friday, June 12, 2020



You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will, you will receive what he has promised.

                                               Hebrew 10:36

It is so easy for humans to think because we have yielded ,  we won't go through the process. Abraham obeyed God and still went through the process. The Children of Israel had to go through the process ( Proverbs 3:5). The process makes you, it moulds you, even after a maize has been sowed and it's time of harvest. It still goes through the process. The farmer would have to scale off all that is not needed. That's the same way with God. God would never give a man what would destroy him  but rather he would take him through the process. This process would require shedding of all that is not of God. The process is never easy but in trusting God you come out stronger.

Abraham was called the father of all nations ( Genesis 17:4), though when he got the promise, to man that seemed impossible but he trusted in the Lord. Even after the promise God required of him to give his only son as a sacrificial offering. Without questioning God, he trusted in him who has called him Father of all nations. Abraham trusted that he that had started the good work would surely bring it to completion (Phillipian 1:6). Are you already on your way to possessing your possession but rather than getting better it kept looking like fire to the frying pan, remember Joseph moved from the Potiphar’s house to the prison.

Joseph saw in his dream that he would possess his possession, though his brothers meant it all for evil but God turned it around for good (Romans 8:28).

                     WHY THE PROCESS


These started from ages Esau sold his birthright to Jacob because he only desired to live to survive. Looking at the three temptations all the devil wanted was for Jesus to live to survive but he chose to endure the cross because of the glory set ahead of him ( Hebrew 12:2)

God takes us through the process in order for us not just to live to survive but rather live to thrive. Hence, you are called to thrive.


God knew that humans naturally love to be in their comfort zone. Jonah decided not to go to Nineveh because he was afraid of leaving his comfort zone. Jonah entrapped in the belly of whale moulded, shaped and sharpened him.

Joseph was a proud and an arrogant young boy, we could see that going through the process shaped him.


Jesus said, while on this earth we would go through trials and tribulations but in all we are already a conqueror ( Romans 8:37). God is ever aware of the evil of the world and still he chose you because he knows that though you are in this world, you are never of this world. God has placed the measure of strength needed in all man to bring glory to him.

Light shines only in the midst of darkness. You are a light and God so desires that you lighten up your world,  for in the midst of the waging storm comes his stillness. Jesus endured the cross because of the glory set ahead of him.




Thank you for reading! Hope to see you tomorrow.

Thursday, June 11, 2020


Michelle Obama said in her book 'BECOMING’

Now I think it is one of the most useless questions an adult can ask a child, what do you want to be when you grow up? As if growing up is finite, as if at some point, you become something and that is the end.

While young, the question often asked is this, What do you want to become? As a little Child, this probably got our attention. I want to be a Doctor, Lawyer, an engineer but probably never considered knowing the 'WHY’.

Ben said in his book ‘ Promote yourself is the new rule in career’, what next after school? It's a big question right? It's possible that after school most people think about the biggest company to work for, the next interview without sitting to think about the why.

Today, I would like us to consider why it is important to know your 'WHY’?


For every man God created, God has a plan and purpose. We all have  reason for being on earth. Your 'WHY’ is a process of DISCOVERY and not INVENTION.


Excuses often arise when we don't know our why or probably your why isn't strong enough. Procrastination does nothing but to kill. Your ‘WHY gives you an opportunity to question your excuses rather than your ability.


It helps you to understand your short goals and your long term goals.


Statistics have found out that many people are not happy with the present job or business because they never discovered their Why. Your Why gives you a sense of happiness in building a formidable career.

Thank you for joining me on today’s episode of building a formidable career.




Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.

                                                  Proverbs 13:20

In possessing your possession, your association plays a big role. Your association can either make or mar you. It is possible to have a great idea but having the wrong association would only make the idea futile.

In the Scripture Ahithophel was a counsellor to King David ( 2 Samuel 15:31-37). David was not aware of Ahithophel's intention as he had put him in the hands of his enemy.  Here, we could see that David trusted the counsels of Ahithophel as he was considered to be wise.

Hushai was a friend to King David as well being a good company he gave the right counsel that brought about the defeat of Ahithophel.


Your father made our burdens unbearable.[a] Therefore you must lighten your father’s requirements and his heavy burden that he placed on us, and we’ll serve you.”

5 “Come back again in three days,” Rehoboam[b] told them. So the people left 6 while King Rehoboam conferred with his advisors who had worked with his father Solomon during his administration. He asked them, “What is your advice as to what response I should return to these people?”

7 In reply, they told him, “If you will be kind to these people, please them, and speak appropriately to them with kind words, they’ll serve you forever.”

8 But Rehoboam[c] ignored the counsel that his elder advisors had given him. Instead, he consulted the younger men who had grown up with him and worked for[d] him. 9 As a result, he asked them, “What’s your advice, so we can give an answer to these people who have asked me, ‘Please lighten the burden that your father put on us’?”................

                                           2 Chronicles 10:4-11

No man grows far above the instruction or the counsels he listens to. Blessed is a man who chooses to walk in the right path. Rehoboam chose the wrong path as he listened to advice that brought about his downfall. Many of us could be considered to have walked or being walking in this path as well. In possessing your possession it is important to choose the right counsel by testing every spirit and most especially being led of the spirit. Your tribes are to build you as we could see with David and Jonathan. Jonathan held the hands of David to ensure he was protected from the hands of his. father ( Saul).



1. Be led of the Spirit ( Romans 8:14) - To be carnally minded is enmity with God. It is important to continually walk in the spirit and in the flesh. In the Scripture Jesus chose who was to walk with him carefully.

2.  Understanding times & seasons- To everything God has created there is a time and season. Understanding your seasons would help you see the right men destined for such time. Barak knew his season and saw he needed Deborah to go with him.

3. Core values- Jesus chose his disciples based on his core values.  Looking clearly at the scripture we could see that for everyone chosen by Christ shared out of his value.Your Core value is a big factor when it comes with choosing those to walk with.

4. Purpose & Faith - God brings men and women together to bring down his agenda upon the surface of the earth. Your tribes must be of the same faith as you and must align with the plan and purpose of God for your life.



  • What has God called you to do?

  • Do those you call your tribes at the moment look like those that would be able to walk you down your path?

  • Do they keep you from God?

  • Do you get drained when with them?

I would like you to observe the assessment as it would help in moving from where you are to the next level.

Thank you for reading!  God bless.



Wednesday, June 10, 2020



               YOU ARE ENOUGH!

And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified. Romans 8:30 NIV


God does not call the qualified, he qualifies those whom he calls.

Have you ever had this thought of this can’t be me? In possessing your possession it is important to let go of this diminishing mindset.

Humans look at the outward but God looks at the inward. Right before you were formed in your Mother's womb.  He knew you and not just that he had a plan in mind ( Jeremiah 1:5). You were never a mistake and a coincidence regardless of the circumstances surrounding your birth. You are a precious one, deeply loved because you were thought of even before you were formed in your mother's womb.

God has placed upon all men different mantles to bring all men to the knowledge of who he is. Hence, you are LIGHT TO YOUR WORLD. It is important to shine your light to the world that men may see your good work and give glory to your father in heaven ( Matthew 5:16).

In the scripture, there were several occurrences where God called men not based on the way the world would. The world seeks for experience, God seeks for your willingness. David, a young boy of 17 years old was called to be a king, of course this makes no sense because God doesn't think the way a man does for the foolishness of God is wiser than a man’s wisdom ( 1 Corinthians 1:25).


10.So now, go. I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt.”
But Moses said to God, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?”
And God said, “I will be with you. And this will be the sign to you that it is I who have sent you: When you have brought the people out of Egypt, you will worship God on this mountain………...

                                       Exodus 3:10-15 NIV

1. YOU ARE THE CHOSEN ONE -  In Christ, you are a chosen one, a royal priesthood ( 1 Peter 2:9).  In Exodus 3, Moses was called by the Lord to go ye into Egypt that the Israelites may possess their possession. God chose Moses, we could see it wasn't because of his ability but rather because God deem it that he may lead the Children of Israel to the promised Land.  God called you to take up your mantle because he chose you not based on the merit of experience but rather on his love for you.

2. I WILL GO WITH YOU- God never gives an assignment without giving guidance ( v.12).God went with Moses, he did this through by sending his angels, cloud .  When God calls you to a thing he would guide and other your steps along the way.

3. YOU ARE FOR SIGNS AND WONDERS- For every man God calls he causes him to be a sign and wonder. Moses showed signs and wonder for God was truly with him. When you are called, God causes you to be a light in the darkness, a bright and shining star .

4. YOU ARE FAVOURED OF THE LORD - know a man who is called of the Lord , God would always cause his light to shine upon him. Jesus was favoured in the sight of men and also in the sight of God ( Luke 2:52)

5 You ENTER INTO YOUR REST - God desires that all men enter into their divine rest. Taking up your mantle means taking upon you the yoke a Christ.  Labouring from the place of rest not from the state of anxiety, worry and fear. David entered into his rest though he was surrounded, he understood that he was surrounded by God ( Matthew 11:28).

To truly possess your possession you must know that you are truly enough regardless of where he has called you into, he would supply all resources needed. Take up the mantle and emerge!

Thanks for reading!

This series continues tomorrow. I  trust that by the end you would thoroughly take up the mantle placed upon your life.

In the next session today, I would be writing on 'Your what is not enough, you must know why’. Stay tuned for that. Thank you!


  The [intrinsically] good man produces what is good and honorable and moral out of the good treasure [stored] in his heart, and the [intrin...