Wednesday, June 10, 2020



               YOU ARE ENOUGH!

And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified. Romans 8:30 NIV


God does not call the qualified, he qualifies those whom he calls.

Have you ever had this thought of this can’t be me? In possessing your possession it is important to let go of this diminishing mindset.

Humans look at the outward but God looks at the inward. Right before you were formed in your Mother's womb.  He knew you and not just that he had a plan in mind ( Jeremiah 1:5). You were never a mistake and a coincidence regardless of the circumstances surrounding your birth. You are a precious one, deeply loved because you were thought of even before you were formed in your mother's womb.

God has placed upon all men different mantles to bring all men to the knowledge of who he is. Hence, you are LIGHT TO YOUR WORLD. It is important to shine your light to the world that men may see your good work and give glory to your father in heaven ( Matthew 5:16).

In the scripture, there were several occurrences where God called men not based on the way the world would. The world seeks for experience, God seeks for your willingness. David, a young boy of 17 years old was called to be a king, of course this makes no sense because God doesn't think the way a man does for the foolishness of God is wiser than a man’s wisdom ( 1 Corinthians 1:25).


10.So now, go. I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt.”
But Moses said to God, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?”
And God said, “I will be with you. And this will be the sign to you that it is I who have sent you: When you have brought the people out of Egypt, you will worship God on this mountain………...

                                       Exodus 3:10-15 NIV

1. YOU ARE THE CHOSEN ONE -  In Christ, you are a chosen one, a royal priesthood ( 1 Peter 2:9).  In Exodus 3, Moses was called by the Lord to go ye into Egypt that the Israelites may possess their possession. God chose Moses, we could see it wasn't because of his ability but rather because God deem it that he may lead the Children of Israel to the promised Land.  God called you to take up your mantle because he chose you not based on the merit of experience but rather on his love for you.

2. I WILL GO WITH YOU- God never gives an assignment without giving guidance ( v.12).God went with Moses, he did this through by sending his angels, cloud .  When God calls you to a thing he would guide and other your steps along the way.

3. YOU ARE FOR SIGNS AND WONDERS- For every man God calls he causes him to be a sign and wonder. Moses showed signs and wonder for God was truly with him. When you are called, God causes you to be a light in the darkness, a bright and shining star .

4. YOU ARE FAVOURED OF THE LORD - know a man who is called of the Lord , God would always cause his light to shine upon him. Jesus was favoured in the sight of men and also in the sight of God ( Luke 2:52)

5 You ENTER INTO YOUR REST - God desires that all men enter into their divine rest. Taking up your mantle means taking upon you the yoke a Christ.  Labouring from the place of rest not from the state of anxiety, worry and fear. David entered into his rest though he was surrounded, he understood that he was surrounded by God ( Matthew 11:28).

To truly possess your possession you must know that you are truly enough regardless of where he has called you into, he would supply all resources needed. Take up the mantle and emerge!

Thanks for reading!

This series continues tomorrow. I  trust that by the end you would thoroughly take up the mantle placed upon your life.

In the next session today, I would be writing on 'Your what is not enough, you must know why’. Stay tuned for that. Thank you!


  1. Thanks for imparting in us the practical wisdom of God. May your annointing never run dry.



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