Friday, November 27, 2020


In few weeks, we’d cross over into 2021. It's such a delight to know God remained faithful regardless of the towel 2020 threw at us.  The faithfulness of God isn't depicted just in the material but the very breath of life which signifies his awesomeness. Remember he has come to give you and I an abundant Life.

Many are at the point of crossing the red Sea, I remember I found myself just right there 3 months ago. WHAT SEEMS TO BE THE RED SEA AT YOUR FOREFRONT?  The journey to the promised Land was never meant to be trial free but God promised to fight for them. The battle is never ours but of the Lord for the Lord is ever waging war to every giant or red Sea just on the path to the promised Land.

2020 surely came with the unexpected but in the unexpected is the glory of the Lord  uncovered. We got the blessing, he took the glory. 3 months ago I remember the word of the Lord to me was that 'THE RED SEA IS THE WAY’.  That sounds quite weird to me but I was taken back to the book of Exodus when God never allowed the Israelites to go through the shortest route because they were not prepared to encounter the hostility of the Philistines instead he had them go through the RED SEA which is the way. ‘For God said, ‘If they face war, they might change their minds and return to Egypt.’  So God led the people around by the desert road toward the Red Sea.” (Exodus 13:17–18)’. Just like the Children of Israel, we probably want the shortest route to get to our destination to get that healing, to get promoted, to get to that position but God knows what you and I don't know. He has a plan. The shortest route isn't the way because God has a better plan. The three months for me taught me to see the way parted just at the red Sea.  

At the crossing of the red Sea, it was obvious that God led the Israelites in there but PHARAOH was like a bone in the neck. He obstructed them but God showed the Israelites the revelation of THE TRUTH. ‘You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free - John 8:32’. While crossing the red Sea just like the Israelites it's obvious many started doubting and murmuring but God wasn't just interested in getting them to cross the red Sea but also making them behold the truth. The truth is a person which is CHRIST. God never wanted you to just get that healing, that promotion , get that heart desire but he wanted you to live not in demand for the miracle but being the miracle.

You are probably at the cutting edge at the moment and just like the way the edge of a sword looks like it looks rough but because of its roughness its usefulness is more pronounced. It can cut better. At the crossing of the red Sea, the Israelites also saw the cutting edge but depicted it as Moses wanted their death but didn't see that the rough moment was shaping the path along the promised Land. The moment shaped their world view, their view of God from  just being a provider but instead a God that exists even before all things exist.

We made plans in 2020 but it seems we had to cross the red Sea. Why? THE RED SEA IS THE WAY. 2020 is never a waste because what might seem to be a waste was just BUILDING MOMENTUM FOR THE NEXT. It looks like a cycle but it was a RECYCLE. Why ? That you may take the BLESSING AND GOD GET THE GLORY.

Thank you for reading!

Today, I’m more grateful for you and for still being in existence till this moment because your EXISTENCE MEANS your ENABLEMENT TO LIVE THE FULLNESS OF CHRIST.

I wish you all the blessing that comes with the rest of the year and also pray that you enter into greater significance and relevance in 2021.

Thank you!

Wednesday, November 11, 2020



Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?
                                          LUKE 1:34 ESV

In the dictionary of God, impossibility with man equals possibility with God.  God never slacks with his promises and in his unchangeable nature, he changes and breaks protocols.  Are you at a stage where all you seem to ruminate over is ‘how shall this be’? Mary had the same thought when she was told about conceiving the king of Kings.  Unlike men, Mary understood that the question wasn't that of a man to answer but of the Lord. Luke 1:38a KJV;
And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word. Mary asked a question but never questioned the possibility of God.

In certain areas of life, we are often thrown this exact question just at the phase of a shift.    Mary had that moment too but never doubted the word of God. Doubting is of the flesh; it is often construed in sight.  Mary walked in faith understanding that what God cannot do does not exist. To man it's impossible but to God impossibility is where his glory is being shown forth.

2020 probably draws many of us back to this same question where it seems we are on the same  spot and doesn't seem we are moving at the moment but recently I thought of this. Probably God isn't trying to get you to move but rather build the right posture.  Mary had the right posture as she received the word full of humility.

Thanks for reading!


Wednesday, November 4, 2020


Hey friend, welcome back to this series. I’m so delighted to have you back. This series would run for some weeks. I believe God has started a new thing and he is surely bringing it to completion.



The term 'TRUST’ isn't a new word but in our Christian journey there's always a demand to trust God on a new whole level ( Proverb 3:5).  Life throws lots of storms and winds which often have us to release a new level of trust in God.

Last week, I remembered the exact words of my younger Sister, ‘maybe God wants you to trust him on another level’. This word rang a bell in mind and felt like I haven't heard such words in years.  


Trusting God is never of the flesh.  Trying to trust God in your flesh would only make you feel God is distant. Trusting God is of the spirit.  It takes being in the spirit to hold onto the word of God. We live by the word of God and not by sight ( Hebrew 11:1).  Walking in the wings of the spirit helps to see the way God sees. In the scripture, when we think of trust , Job and Father Abraham readily come to mind.  Job trusted God even when his whole world crashed. He trusted God because he never relied on his own strength and understanding to do so.

Trusting God atimes would have you look foolish to the world as  Jesus was looked upon as foolish. God would never call you to what makes sense but rather what  makes faith. At every new season there's always a demand to trust in a whole new level. God's faithfulness is revealed day by day and often it is seen in circumstances and situations that would have us grow not just in grace but also grow in trusting God.

Are you in a place where it seems like your world has fallen apart?

Are you in place when it seems like you don't even know what the future looks like?

Are you in a place where you feel unloved ?

Are you in a place where it seems like 2020 came with a whole lot more than you can handle?

God is for you and never against you….all He might be asking of you maybe 'MY DAUGHTER,/ SON CAN YOU TRUST ME ON A WHOLE NEW LEVEL?’.

Thank you for reading!

Tuesday, November 3, 2020


 Hey friend,

Welcome to the transcription  of today's episode from ELEVATE YOUR CAREER PODCAST.

You can get to subscribe by using the link right down to catch up on the audio.  

Today, I came with something new which is TRANSITIONING IN CAREER, BUSINESS AND LEADERSHIP

The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is FEAR AND THE OLDEST FEAR IS THE FEAR OF THE UNKNOWN


Everyone wants change but few are ready to put in the work/ demands that come with change.

Change is SITUATIONAL. Transition on the other hand is PSYCHOLOGICAL. It's not those events but the inner reformation or self-definition that you have to go through in order to incorporate change in your life, career, business and leadership without transition, change is just like a rearrangement of previous shackles unless transition happens change won't work.

More than ever, Pandemic round the world has called many to transit right from their perception about life, how work should look like, how to lead a large number of teams.  

The demand for change won't be complete without TRANSITION. As humans our whole life is a story of TRANSITION. We are always leaving one chapter to the other. The pandemic caught many of us unaware but we have had to transit along with the change. Hence, adopting the new normal. Many have learned to work right from home and even many have had  to see technology as a magnet which is significant to change in all industries. Change can only be led when we PROMOTE AND ADOPT TRANSITION

Transition is not solely on the event but a reformation which is right from within. Complaining about change rather than adopting only leads to settling for less. As changemaker, the first is


This is done by going through the track record of the change. Right now, many have been forced to work from home and the question has been whether WORK FROM HOME ( WFH) OR WORK FROM OFFICE IS THE BEST. The transition is moving from working from office to see colleagues, friends, having board meetings and now to virtual experiences


The world would be a better place when we learn to ask the right questions. Change is here and the question is how to evolve with the change.


  • ARTICULATE YOUR VISION: Vision is the outlook of a destination. I love to use the  illustration of an hourglass to describe what a vision is. Hourglass comes with the top and bottom. The top of an hourglass is well-filled with an outlook of a destination, the journey is the steady and sloppy fall of the outlook which has been seen down into the bottom. Articulating your vision by constantly reminding or sharing the vision with the team keeps you firm on the vision. Several organizations , companies and businesses like COCA-COLA have had to go through transition but we must have noticed their evolution overtime has never cost them their vision which is to make people feel good.

  • BE OPEN-MINDED: Transition or shift begins in the mind. Being Open-minded like a child helps to navigate transition. Open to feedback, open to criticism, open to new change with a prepared mind helps to navigate transition.

  • ADOPT CHANGE BY STAYING POSITIVE: Without change,our life will remain dull. Having to do things or perceive things in a way only promotes dullness. You may not seek for change but when it comes accept it as a challenge to a new world view. To elevate in your career, leadership change has to happen and often demands leaving a chapter to another or leaving the known to the unknown.


Your strength is not what you are good at but rather what strengthens you. We all have been ample with  strength in certain areas. Transition often demands the need to promote your strength. If you are experiencing transitioning in your job,career or business the demand should be placed not on what you cannot control but what you can control which is your strength.   


Communication isn't just made but must be effective. To navigate transition in business, career and leadership, it's important to use the constructionist approach by asking the right questions. There's always a support system out there to help you navigate the seen transition of the moment.

Finally, transition comes, it isn't just a question of transition is here but learning to navigate transition.

Listen to the podcast using the link below

Thanks for reading!



  The [intrinsically] good man produces what is good and honorable and moral out of the good treasure [stored] in his heart, and the [intrin...