Monday, July 27, 2020



8For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord.

9For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts

                                              Isaiah 55:8

I remember a few years ago, when I heard the word loud in my head 'DON’T PUT GOD IN A BOX’. It never seemed to make sense. Today, it's clearer and getting clearer day by day.

Like the above scripture, it's probably not new but indeed it comes with newness when we open our heart to receive.  God is a God of his words, and of course, he is never a man that he should lie.

Of course, the scripture says to write the vision down and everyday it gets clearer that God expands vision. When the word vision comes to mind , many think of pieces of paper and pen. It is writing in your heart.

Few years ago, I had dreams ( visions) . I thought I was one thing until the Holy Spirit revealed to me that indeed God's ways are not our ways.  Oftentimes, it starts with developing new interests, a new environment and even meeting new people. It is possible that at this point, many people try to put God in the box.  Of course, at times we allow our society, the opinions of people to shapen us and not his word.

The abundance mindset understands that God is ever calling for more. I love the words of Michelle Obama in her book 'BECOMING’.

‘As if you become something and that is the end’.

Becoming is a process that requires being open hearted with the resounding words of 'THY WILL BE DONE LORD’.

David became a King because he never put God in the box.  You may start small but that never means to have a small mind.  

Always remember, God is ever in the business of enlarging and expanding you.

Thank you for joining my lifestyle Series. I would be sharing some deep things about what I have learnt based on the leading of the Spirit.

Hope to see you later in the week.  

Friday, July 24, 2020



For the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and chastises every son whom he receives.”

It is for discipline that you have to endure. God is treating you as sons. For what son is there whom his father does not discipline?

If you are left without discipline, in which all have participated, then you are illegitimate children and not sons.

Besides this, we have had earthly fathers who disciplined us and we respected them. Shall we not much more be subject to the Father of spirits and live?

For they disciplined us for a short time as it seemed best to them, but he disciplines  us for our good, that we may share his holiness……………….. (Hebrew 12:6-13)



This question came to my mind recently and guess what? I found an answer. Yes, he does. When God disciplines us, it is often what we call PRUNING.  Like the Parable of the Sower (Luke 8:4-15), a farmer plants a seed and the enemy comes to sow the seed of thorns. The seed of thorns are often probably in the mind, thoughts that are not planted by the Lord.

The period of PRUNING often isn't the most pleasurable one but like this scripture says, even our earthly father discipline us.  The Children of Israel were disciplined several times on their way to the promised Land because there were many things in their life they had to let go. PRUNING is God searching our heart to bring about his freshness and newness. A new wine cannot be put in an old wine skin  ( Mark 2: 21-22) hence, discipline is a way of aligning.

Jonah is probably a man that comes to mind, he wanted to act on his own accord but God disciplined him.  Why? He loves him, he cherishes him.

Pruning is never God against us but rather for us. The Israelites several times, thought the God of their forefathers left them but he never did.  For us to have more of God, God discipline us to bring out the best in us. This is a season every man born of flesh goes through because at times , we don't know what is in us but he does see our heart.  I could never have thought early in my life, I was proud. God revealed this to me when he disciplined me. Pruning breaks us. God is a spirit and he desires that those who worship must do that in spirit and truth.  Pruning brings a man to a broken state. For God uses a broken and contrite heart ( Psalm 51:7). Hence, God is ever in the business of making us holy by disciplining us.

At times we go through several hardships of life so that we may stay totally committed to his ways. For his ways are good and never of evil. The trials of life are to bring out a renewed strength and also to keep us focused on the lane.  


Thank you for reading!

Wednesday, July 22, 2020



Obedience is never doing God a favour but rather a privilege to be a vessel usable for his agenda.

Recently, God has been dealing  with me on this particular concept. Prayer is great but we only get to see so many results when we learn to yield. Obedience is probably one of the things people get familiar with in their journey of faith.

1 John 5:3, emphasised on obeying God’s commandment and his statutes. The statutes of God is THE WORD. For God exceeds his words above his name, this shows how in high esteem God takes his word. Looking at the scripture, we had several instances of what it means to Obey God. Abraham, the father of faith, obeyed God and saw a turn of events in his life.


God is able to do much more,  if we can lay aside trying to figure out things and learning to lean on him ( Proverbs 3:5).

Another man that readily comes to mind when the one obedience is stated is JONAH. Jonah wasn't just loved by God but also loved by his people. God commanded Jonah to leave where he was to Niveneh but he decided to walk in his own wisdom. When instruction is given by God, the wisdom of God is required to solve the puzzle. Why? His thoughts are not your thoughts nor the ways of God are our ways. To truly obey God, the wisdom of God is Paramount.

The Children of Israel were first regarded as the chosen ones in the scripture and several times. God gave instructions but often they allowed flesh to come in. I remember, recently God led me to speak to someone. This wasn't something I would naturally do because it wasn't my norm or custom but it is important to note that to  truly obey God means to be dead to SELF/FLESH.

The roadmap to obey often comes with different grits but the grits are nothing but to strengthen us.  They come in the form of temptation and this is why FAITH & OBEDIENCE cannot be separated. Job had faith in the Lord even with the many grits of life. He stood and stayed persistent.

Obedience isn't just adored by God but truly a key.

Thank you for reading!

Monday, July 20, 2020



Recently I was invited by a community to share my thoughts on this so I decided to briefly write on this as well.

Who is the Society?

You and I are the Society. According to science daily, a society is a group of people involved with each other through persistent relations or a large social grouping sharing the same geographical or society territory typically subject to the same political authority and dominant cultural expectation.

The society isn't  just the GOVERNMENT but you and I.

Mary Slessor said in one of her quotes, 'The whole world would be clean, if every man can clean his doorstep. It is important to stay away from the mindset that society is the government.

What limits us has never been the government but our mindsets. A leader does not think what he can take but rather what he can give. Within every man is the spirit of leadership. Every man was created to create, to reproduce. You are not a leader just because of your title but rather what you can give your world.

There are two kinds of people in a society;

  1. The people who seek for attention

  2. The people who pay attention


These people have the consumption mindset just like a vulture. Vultures are Parasite.  

2 major Characteristics of Vulture

  1. The Scavengers :  Vultures don't attack. They don't seek out prizes for the prey. They are perfectly happy with leftovers. Many people are sadly like this and it's important to move away from this mindset.

  2. The  Survivors: Many people live to survive and not to thrive.  These people are often seen as playing safe, they do not take risks. To them, it is always about them and their family. It is important to move away from the survivor mindset.


These people are creators. They are often change conscious and often reproduce. They are thinkers and can be called Eagles.

Few characteristics of Eagles;

  1. Eagles flock together: Eagles do not mingle with pigeons.

  2. Eagles see a long distance prey: Eagles have a strong vision, or they can identify their prey and focus on it until they get it.

  3. Eagles do not eat dead things: They don't consume but rather create.

  4. Eagles love the storm: They know adversity is to strengthen them.

Social media was created by people who pay attention to the needs of others.  Hence, it is important to live being creative and not a parasite like vulture.

People who pay attention are thinkers: Thinking is probably the hardest thing to do but these ones are always ready to master the art and cause a revolution.


I love these words so much.  No greatness without goodness.

  1. Be the change you want to see: There is a popular saying, you cannot give what you don't have. It is an old saying but ever relevant. It is important to always expand your brilliance. Staying away from mediocrity, not living to survive but rather thrive.

  2. Own a responsibility: Often time, we limit ourselves thinking we don't have all it takes but surely we do. The strength of a man is revealed in his delibracity.

  3. Building interpersonal relationships: No man is an island of knowledge. It is called society because we need one another. Many strong enterprises today could be an idea of one but got evolved with interpersonal relationships. Where the strength of one man fails that is where that of another comes in.

  4. Donate your time: Give your time, this could mean spending time with others.  The world isn't a person but a composition of a lot of people.

  5. Volunteer: This is belittled but volunteering is also a major way of being given to the society.

Thank you for reading!

Friday, July 17, 2020



Recently everyday I wake up , I remind my soul to find rest in God daily even before I take up the task for the day.  When the word rest comes to mind, Matthew 11:28-29 readily jumps up. In the scripture I got to understand that finding rest starts with OBEDIENCE.  Hebrew 4:6 emphasis on several people who never entered the place of rest because they never obeyed.

In Christ, we find rest for his burden is lighter than that which we seem to hold onto. Finding rest also means trusting in God ( Proverbs 3:5). You only get to obey the one whom you trust in. Trusting God takes grace especially when one is in their darkest moment. Trusting God means resting and relying on him even when it doesn't look like it.

To truly find rest, we must learn to release our faith. Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen(Hebrew 11:1). No man truly pleases God except through faith. Learning to release our faith gets us into the place of rest.  Abraham for several years never had children but when the Lord told him he would become the father of many nations. He learnt to release his faith and even though he never got the promise after some years. He still found rest in God.

Finding rest in God is being at peace. Peace is never absence of storm but rather finding calmness in the solitude of your soul even in the storm. Job is a man I can say had this rest though had several reasons to give up but never did because he found rest in God.

Which area of your life seems to bring you down everytime? Today, you can begin by finding rest in God.

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, July 15, 2020



Divine encounter means unexpected visitation. In the Scripture we were told of several encounters with the Lord which had no limit. Paul had an encounter with the Lord on his way to Damascus ( Act 9:3-6). God met with him . Divine encounter is God meeting with you. This could be in any area of your life. Moses had an encounter with God while tending flocks of   his father-in-law's . No man can truly say he knows God if he had not met with him.

Divine Encounter does not necessarily mean seeing God. It means having a personal revelation of who Christ is. It is coming to the knowledge and awareness of his finished work. It often starts with hunger and longing for more of the Lord in the place of prayer and studying the Holy book.The Bible says, he who seeks me shall find me ( Proverbs 8:17). It is creating a thirst for more of him.

Elijah was a man who earnestly desired to know more of God and through his life all men came to the awareness of God. Daniel was another man whose encounter with the lord brought all men to seek to know his God. When a man encounters God, it is contagious as everyone around him would see a difference and seek to know his God.

Whenever I study this part of the scripture ( Luke 22:54-62), I am always amazed about the goodness of God. Peter denied Christ thrice and many still knew there was something about him . They knew he had been with Christ.  

Is this your testimony of your relationship with God? God calls  you a light, a light reflects. Hence, the life of God in us is to shine forth and bring glory to him.

Thanks for reading!

Monday, July 13, 2020



1 To everything there is a season, and a time for every matter or purpose under heaven:

2 A time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to pluck up what is planted

                                        Ecclesiastes 3:1-2

For everything created by God, he had a time and a season. There is a time to sow, a time to reap, a time to live and a time to die.   God has got beautiful plans for all men but understanding time and season is very crucial. David understood time and season . He knew when it was time for him to attack the Amalekites and when to wait on the Lord.

There is a place of God's revelation and also a place of his timing.  It is called WAITING. WAITING is probably the most difficult thing when we try to do it in the FLESH.  In the book of Phillipians 2:13, it is God that works in us both to will and to do for his good pleasure.

Understanding time and season comes with spiritual discernment, discernment is knowing the difference between what is right and almost right.  It is learning to be led by the Holy Spirit ( Roman 8:14) regardless of the opinion of the world. Understanding that the will of God isn’t just good but acceptable and the perfect will of God (Romans 12:2). The tree of the knowledge  of good and evil was never bad but could be regarded as Good. Not everything that is Good is necessarily God.

A man who understands time and season embraces everything that comes with all the seasons and acknowledges Psalm 1:3, he bears forth fruit in seasons and out of seasons. He understands that regardless of the challenges, there is a seed he is sowing which requires time to be reaped for the next season.

Understanding time and season comes with having an intimate relationship with God. 1 Cor 2:10, the spirit of a man searches the deep things of the spirit. Intimacy with God means having a relationship with God. David was called the man after God’s heart because he had an intimacy with God. Intimacy with God is built in the place of prayer and studying the word.

To run the race of life, it is important to understand time and season.


Thank you for reading! We would be starting a new series soon. Hope to see more of you.

Friday, July 10, 2020



To the world, humans are insatiable but to God out of your belly flows rivers of living water (John 7:38). In the scripture, Abraham wasn't just blessed, he was blessed to bless others ( Genesis 12:2) .  Abraham was a man who embraced the unknown, trusting God in the valley and wilderness to show forth what the blessing of God is.

Blessings to many people probably means all good things about life but it goes wide beyond that. It is going through the storms of life and coming out triumphant. In the book of Mark (1:10-13), after all men came to the awareness of who Christ was, he went into the wilderness and he came out being empowered. The wilderness is not often palatable but they are mean through which we become a channel of running over the blessings of God.

In Joshua 2:1-24, Rahab was a woman who was well known as a prostitute but God decided to use her by making her see that her past was never to define her but rather to shapen her.  Her cup runs over when she shows mercy to the guest she received. Also, to the Samaritan woman who was despised probably because of her past became a channel to many when she met with Christ.

With hunger and thirst for righteousness your cup runs over.  Regardless of the trials and circumstances of life you are a blessing because you are a seed of Abraham. With the breath of God down on your inside, it is never a coincidence that God has called you to run over.

Thank you for reading!

Wednesday, July 8, 2020



When the word SELF-AWARENESS comes to mind I think of what I call the LAW OF AWARENESS which often envisages these two questions.

  1. Who am I?

  2. Why am I here?

Within the heart of every man lies this question in the pursuit of the journey of life. It's often a  call to purpose without which a man cannot live a fulfilled life.

In the world we live in, it is quite difficult to become aware of oneself because of the various noises from family, friends and even the  society. Our becoming isn't naturally what comes from the core being but because someone said you are good with it then you become it. This is never called living but being lived.

Today, I thought of sharing with you on how to come  into this awareness regardless of state /stage you are in;


This is probably an Old saying but it is ever new. Finding your voice even in the midst of the noise of the world reveals your uniqueness. It is often connecting to your inner voice which is the home of wisdom.

Finding your voice requires looking within and seeing the treasures which are right on your inside. It is pulling away from what seems to be right to others and seeing what you truly want.

To produce a different result with your  own blueprint, it has got to do with FINDING YOUR VOICE.

2. SELF-APPRECIATION- Every man loves to be celebrated as well as your inner self. Oftentimes, people wait for others to appreciate them before they do but you do owe yourself celebrating your little wins and appreciating every effort. Reward the process and not just the result.

3. SPEND TIME WITH YOU: You only know yourself based on the level of time you do spend with yourself.  

What is the greatest asset on the earth? Money, fame, time? Of course, the greatest asset is time.  Don't just spend time with others, start lavishing those times with you. The more time you spend with you, the more you are aware of your strengths and abilities.

4. GET AWAY FROM NAYSAYERS: Naysayers can be anyone but I would say anything that brings you down, anything that destroys your esteem.  Getting away doesn't necessarily mean not speaking to them but ensuring what they say is only limited to the environment and does not get to you. Start reclaiming your power today by paying close attention to your within  and not the noise of the world.

Thanks for reading!

Monday, July 6, 2020



Today, I thought of this, whenever God is set to do a new thing. It starts with alignment. Before Abraham became the father of many nations he had to be in alignment with God first. What does alignment really means ? To adjust, to identify with.  Strategic alignment is being in tune with God’s divine plan and purpose. Right now, it looks like there's a whole lot going on around you and I. Yes, just like the word claim around but not in you. Why? Greater his he that is in you than he that is in the world (1 John 4:4).

The Children of Israel had to be in alignment with the will of God for them to have the promised Land.  At times, we are often consumed with worries, anxieties that we forget to ask the question. AM I IN ALIGNMENT WITH WHAT GOD IS DOING? ALIGNMENT gets you to appreciate times and seasons. Why? You identify with what God is doing in seasons.

In the book of Ecclesiastes, we can see that God is a God of his own time. And he has made all things beautiful in his time (Ecclesiastes 3:11).  A man who understood times and seasons in the scripture was Job, Job understood the power of times and seasons and trusted the Lord even in the seemingly unchangeable circumstances.


1.The will of men:  God has given unto all men what is called 'SELF WILL’. The will of a man is always an obstruction to God's plan and agenda. The will of men is what the scripture called FLESH. The FLESH often gets us away from God because it loves to feel, see before he beholds a thing whereas, God desires to relate with all men through faith in Christ Jesus.

   2.  Carnality: In the book of Roman 8:6, the Bible emphasised that to be carnally minded is enmity with God. Why? The devil is the God of this world and he rules over every man whose mind is focused on carnal things. The devil has come to steal, kill and destroy. He often subject to do these to those whose mind are subjected to the treasures of the earth

3.    Sin: God loves sinners but detest sin. What often puts men away isn't God but sin. God has given unto all men Conscience which is in the spirit of a man. The Conscience knows what is right and wrong because it has taken some time with the other parts of the spirit.  The Conscience questions the act of men and oftentimes condemns. Sin isn't just doing what is wrong but also not doing what you know that is right.


1 Embracing his love ( Ephesians 3:17) In the book of Romans, the scripture says Christ died for us while we were yet a sinner.  Why? This is because of the Love of the father for all men. God loves the whole world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him would not perish but have everlasting life. God is love ( 1 John 4:8). Embracing the love of God gets you in alignment with God.

2. WALKING IN THE SPIRIT: God is a spirit and he desires that those that worship must do that in spirit and truth. Walking in the spirit requires letting go of self and embracing the spirit.

3. TRUSTING GOD ( Proverbs 3:5) : Alignment begins with trust, you only get to identify with who you trust. Abraham trusted in the Lord leaving his father's house to an unknown land. You cannot align with whom you don't trust.

4. WALKING IN FAITH: You cannot please God walking by sight but in faith.  Faith is been sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see ( Hebrew 11:1). The journey of alignment requires walking in faith. Abraham had faith with God and it was counted unto him as righteousness. It is important to walk in faith and not by sight.

Thanks for taking out time to read!

Friday, July 3, 2020




In the book of Genesis, 1:2 the Earth was without form and the spirit of God hovering over the surface of the earth. He declared 'LET THERE BE’, and all things were created both invisible and visible. Christ was the very word which later became flesh ( John 1:14).

Words are powerful tools which can either make or mar a man. The Bible says, God exceeds his words above his name ( Psalm 138:2). This shows how much God relates the power of words. Words ain't mere sayings, words are proclamations whether written or confessed. Words create imaginations and thoughts which come alive.

In  the book of Proverbs 18:21, the Bible says the power of life and death is in the tongue of a man. God has given all men power which is in the proclamation of words. Words are seeds. They are sown at a time and reaped at another.


The devil spoke the word so as well God spoke the word. The words of the devil are often sown as thoughts, imaginations which is to steal, kill and to destroy. God has sown the spirit and Life to all men but just like the parable of the sower the enemy comes to sow thorns in the heart of men.

The promises of God are 'YE AND AMEN’. Regardless, what it might look like at the moment he has given you dominion over all things even is in the power of your words.

At the mention of the precious name of Jesus all things bow both on the surface of the earth or beneath the earth.


Thank you for reading!

Wednesday, July 1, 2020


I woke up this morning asking God what July would look like. He said, 'New things, New Wine’.  Happy New month.

We judge God faithful regardless of what January to June brought to us.

Behold, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs forth; do you not perceive and know it and will you not give heed to it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.

                                              Isaiah 43:19 AMP

CAN YOU SEE IT? God is doing a new thing, he is paving ways in the valley ordinating new eras, new beats, new rhythms. The faithfulness of God is renewed day by day.  In the newness of God, he is bringing in new wines. Newness of your being, newness of your soul. Yes, you begin to see his love for you. In the newness of God, the old has to go. Saul was rejected that the newness of God may be seen in David.

For the old wine cannot thrive in the new things.  What is God asking you to let go? Fear, anxiety, distraction, toxic relationship, negative thoughts.  LET GO AND LET GOD. In John 2:1-12. , When the new wine was brought to the wedding feast at the cana of Galilee. The old had gone, hence the new was revealed.   The new wine cannot be put in the old wineskins ( Mark 2:22). If it does, the skin bursts and it spills the wine.

Trusting God for his newness? Start letting God, embrace the new things. It often looks scary but remember that he that is within you is greater than he that is in the world ( 1 John 4:4).

If God be for you, who can be against you. No one! START WALKING IN HIS NEWNESS.

Thank you for consistently given to this.

See you on Friday!  


  The [intrinsically] good man produces what is good and honorable and moral out of the good treasure [stored] in his heart, and the [intrin...