Thursday, October 29, 2020



Hey friends, how have you been? It's been a while, hence I have decided to pour my heart before we continue the series.

This morning I thought of this . Have you ever been on a train? If yes, great and if no, we are still on the same page. If you have been on a train you must have noticed how wind rages and here is what I have noticed. No matter the raging of the wind people often hold closely to a rod just for support.  Oftentimes this wind moves them to and fro and even then they still hold tightly to the rod.

What wind is ranging in your life at the moment?  Just like the train, what rod are you holding onto? Here, the rod is symbolic to your FAITH/ BELIEF ( Hebrew 11:1).

At some point in life. Life comes as a raging wind. Like the wind in the train, God often uplift us with a rod which his WORD. What keeps you going in the midst of the wind is the WORD ( Psalm 119:114).

When challenges arise God isn't asking us to be quick to figure things out but to cling tightly to his word. This week seems to be a very challenging one for me. While in the storm it looked like there was no hope but I remember the word of God to me 'BOLAJI, YOUR HOPE IS FOUND NOT IN THE WIND BUT IN THE ASSURING WORD OF GOD’. You may ask? Did it work? Yes, it did. At every point where it looks like a wind, there is often a demand to trust / hold clingy to your belief in another level.

What are you holding onto? THE ASSURING WORD OF GOD OR THE WIND?

I'm super excited to be back after a 3 week break. Watch out for the continuation of the series next week.

Thanks for reading!


  1. Thank you for blessing me with this powerful piece. God bless you amazingly, amen.



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