In few weeks, we’d cross over into 2021. It's such a delight to know God remained faithful regardless of the towel 2020 threw at us. The faithfulness of God isn't depicted just in the material but the very breath of life which signifies his awesomeness. Remember he has come to give you and I an abundant Life.
Many are at the point of crossing the red Sea, I remember I found myself just right there 3 months ago. WHAT SEEMS TO BE THE RED SEA AT YOUR FOREFRONT? The journey to the promised Land was never meant to be trial free but God promised to fight for them. The battle is never ours but of the Lord for the Lord is ever waging war to every giant or red Sea just on the path to the promised Land.
2020 surely came with the unexpected but in the unexpected is the glory of the Lord uncovered. We got the blessing, he took the glory. 3 months ago I remember the word of the Lord to me was that 'THE RED SEA IS THE WAY’. That sounds quite weird to me but I was taken back to the book of Exodus when God never allowed the Israelites to go through the shortest route because they were not prepared to encounter the hostility of the Philistines instead he had them go through the RED SEA which is the way. ‘For God said, ‘If they face war, they might change their minds and return to Egypt.’ So God led the people around by the desert road toward the Red Sea.” (Exodus 13:17–18)’. Just like the Children of Israel, we probably want the shortest route to get to our destination to get that healing, to get promoted, to get to that position but God knows what you and I don't know. He has a plan. The shortest route isn't the way because God has a better plan. The three months for me taught me to see the way parted just at the red Sea.
At the crossing of the red Sea, it was obvious that God led the Israelites in there but PHARAOH was like a bone in the neck. He obstructed them but God showed the Israelites the revelation of THE TRUTH. ‘You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free - John 8:32’. While crossing the red Sea just like the Israelites it's obvious many started doubting and murmuring but God wasn't just interested in getting them to cross the red Sea but also making them behold the truth. The truth is a person which is CHRIST. God never wanted you to just get that healing, that promotion , get that heart desire but he wanted you to live not in demand for the miracle but being the miracle.
You are probably at the cutting edge at the moment and just like the way the edge of a sword looks like it looks rough but because of its roughness its usefulness is more pronounced. It can cut better. At the crossing of the red Sea, the Israelites also saw the cutting edge but depicted it as Moses wanted their death but didn't see that the rough moment was shaping the path along the promised Land. The moment shaped their world view, their view of God from just being a provider but instead a God that exists even before all things exist.
We made plans in 2020 but it seems we had to cross the red Sea. Why? THE RED SEA IS THE WAY. 2020 is never a waste because what might seem to be a waste was just BUILDING MOMENTUM FOR THE NEXT. It looks like a cycle but it was a RECYCLE. Why ? That you may take the BLESSING AND GOD GET THE GLORY.
Thank you for reading!
Today, I’m more grateful for you and for still being in existence till this moment because your EXISTENCE MEANS your ENABLEMENT TO LIVE THE FULLNESS OF CHRIST.
I wish you all the blessing that comes with the rest of the year and also pray that you enter into greater significance and relevance in 2021.
Thank you!