Monday, July 6, 2020



Today, I thought of this, whenever God is set to do a new thing. It starts with alignment. Before Abraham became the father of many nations he had to be in alignment with God first. What does alignment really means ? To adjust, to identify with.  Strategic alignment is being in tune with God’s divine plan and purpose. Right now, it looks like there's a whole lot going on around you and I. Yes, just like the word claim around but not in you. Why? Greater his he that is in you than he that is in the world (1 John 4:4).

The Children of Israel had to be in alignment with the will of God for them to have the promised Land.  At times, we are often consumed with worries, anxieties that we forget to ask the question. AM I IN ALIGNMENT WITH WHAT GOD IS DOING? ALIGNMENT gets you to appreciate times and seasons. Why? You identify with what God is doing in seasons.

In the book of Ecclesiastes, we can see that God is a God of his own time. And he has made all things beautiful in his time (Ecclesiastes 3:11).  A man who understood times and seasons in the scripture was Job, Job understood the power of times and seasons and trusted the Lord even in the seemingly unchangeable circumstances.


1.The will of men:  God has given unto all men what is called 'SELF WILL’. The will of a man is always an obstruction to God's plan and agenda. The will of men is what the scripture called FLESH. The FLESH often gets us away from God because it loves to feel, see before he beholds a thing whereas, God desires to relate with all men through faith in Christ Jesus.

   2.  Carnality: In the book of Roman 8:6, the Bible emphasised that to be carnally minded is enmity with God. Why? The devil is the God of this world and he rules over every man whose mind is focused on carnal things. The devil has come to steal, kill and destroy. He often subject to do these to those whose mind are subjected to the treasures of the earth

3.    Sin: God loves sinners but detest sin. What often puts men away isn't God but sin. God has given unto all men Conscience which is in the spirit of a man. The Conscience knows what is right and wrong because it has taken some time with the other parts of the spirit.  The Conscience questions the act of men and oftentimes condemns. Sin isn't just doing what is wrong but also not doing what you know that is right.


1 Embracing his love ( Ephesians 3:17) In the book of Romans, the scripture says Christ died for us while we were yet a sinner.  Why? This is because of the Love of the father for all men. God loves the whole world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him would not perish but have everlasting life. God is love ( 1 John 4:8). Embracing the love of God gets you in alignment with God.

2. WALKING IN THE SPIRIT: God is a spirit and he desires that those that worship must do that in spirit and truth. Walking in the spirit requires letting go of self and embracing the spirit.

3. TRUSTING GOD ( Proverbs 3:5) : Alignment begins with trust, you only get to identify with who you trust. Abraham trusted in the Lord leaving his father's house to an unknown land. You cannot align with whom you don't trust.

4. WALKING IN FAITH: You cannot please God walking by sight but in faith.  Faith is been sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see ( Hebrew 11:1). The journey of alignment requires walking in faith. Abraham had faith with God and it was counted unto him as righteousness. It is important to walk in faith and not by sight.

Thanks for taking out time to read!



  The [intrinsically] good man produces what is good and honorable and moral out of the good treasure [stored] in his heart, and the [intrin...